The Stephenville Extension Range Management program focuses on practical range management for landowners and managers in Central Texas.
Main Focus
The majority of our program focuses on applied herbicide science for range and pasture weed and brush control. This is done by working with landowners to try to find new ways to manage common invasive plants and brush problems on Central Texas rangelands. As well as looking to develop new methods as new issues arise. We serve as a source of information to County Extension Agents and landowners on in other areas of range management such as plant identification and grazing management.
4-H Range Evaluation & Plant Identification Contests
Each spring we conduct multiple plant identification and range evaluation contests for 4-H members. At the plant identification contests, the 4-H members compete based on their ability to identify the standard range and pasture plants from around the state. At the range evaluation contests, 4-H members learn about making range management decisions and compete in the competition by making recommendations on how to manage a given plot of land.
James R. Jackson
Extension Program Specialist
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
1229 North U.S. Hwy 281
Stephenville, Texas 76401
- Beef Cattle Short Course
- Blackland Income Growth Conference
- Various county Extension programs